Originally Posted by Booger
It is incomprehensible that free law abiding Americans had to live in fear for days in large cities. I am in my mid 50’s now and have seen a lot of crap go down. From the LA riots in the early 90’s to the BLM riots. I will not back down and I will not be held captive in my home by domestic terrorists. Our government is protecting the wrong people and our military that is sworn to protect us from threats both foreign and domestic has failed to do so. I don’t live in a major metropolitan city and I hate visiting them because they allow the criminals and drug users to own the streets. My last visit to D.C. consisted of my wife basically talking me down every time we were approached by the dope heads and anyone else that was rude to us once they realized we were true southerners. I walk softly and treat everyone with respect, but I do keep a can of W.A. In my pocket for anyone that crosses the line. If crap does go down and the local democrats try to intimidate me, I don’t have any problems being a martyr. I’m not living in fear of evil men.

You do not walk alone

When I need expert advice I tend to talk to myself
The older I get the better I used to be