Jawbone, I agree with you on seeing fighting. But our sensibilities are irrelevant. We need to look at what is happening. I've always enjoyed your post and think you are very perceptive guy. It's disturbing, but it is happening.

It's not just the militia guys playing war in the woods that believe there is no longer a political solution to this matter, the state governments have accepted that as well. It's like realizing a goofy friend is not just an idiot, but they were malicious the whole time. There isn't any coming back from that from my point of view and that seems to be where the governors of 25 states are right now.

Maybe I am overblowing it, but I don't think so. This is the Rubicon and it's in the rearview mirror now. Neither side can afford to back down here.

Sorry for hogging the board. This is pretty emotional for me. I think I need a walk and a deep breath. I appreciate being able to chat with yall and read your points. I'm going to try to get some work done. Jesus is King and it'll all pan out one way or another.

Last edited by ShootemupTex; 01/26/24 12:57 PM.