First, I don't want to see any kind of armed conflict between Texas and the federal gov't. But, I am all for Texas protecting its borders and have no problem with Abbott calling the bluff. I'm like Eyedoc in thinking that it won't work out good for TX in the end if it does come to conflict, but the point will be made.

What angers me more than anything is that Biden is either, on purpose or through sheer extreme negligence, is letting in the terrorist that are going to kill Americans in the future, probably the near future and Biden, the man responsible for it, will either be dead or more of an imbecile than he already is, to be held accountable for it.

Can we get Abbott on the GOP ticket somewhere. I like the brass balls he's showing right now. He probably needs the wheel chair not because of a condition other than he needs it to get around carrying the set of balls he has.

Lord, please help us get our nation straightened out.