Originally Posted by straycat
Originally Posted by Happysappy
I have a different view than most, while I believe there is less than 1% chance of that happening of Britt being his running mate, it dont think it would necessarily be bad. First, a VP is really nothing but a title, especially under Trump. Trump is in total control, his VP has absolutely no input into anything. However, having a VP from Alabama might have small advantages. I would fully expect Britt to bend his ear about bringing Space Command back to Huntsville, push budget items more toward Alabama. It definitely wouldn’t hurt. While Im not necessarily a Britt fan, it would provide Alabama a voice (albeit small)

I disagree about the aspects of the VP being nothing but a title. VP is next in line should the President die, become incapacitated, or removed from office. VP is tasked with implementing many policy initiatives and negotiations behind the scenes. VP is President of the Senate and casts tie-breaking votes. VP has the President's ear in many cases on other matters. The VP is very important...perhaps not as much in the mundane day to day activities of the Executive Branch but certainly mission critical for continuity of government in case something happens to the President.

In my view, it is good to have a VP who has some skill sets that are different from or even better than the President...that way the President has good internal executive leadership and wise council on certain subjects in addition to his cabinet and advisors. So the test for the VP should be either equal to or pretty close (acceptable level) what we want in a President.

In football the backup QB should be ready and capable and leading the team when needed. In basketball, the backup point guard should be ready and capable of that role. In baseball, you need really good backup starters and relivers in the pitching rotation. Next up players gotta be able and ready to do their thing. And that is just sports which are actually non-important when compared to leading the country.

I understand the “next man(or woman) up. That is really not my point. I was speaking specifically about how Trump does business. He is an arrogant President that relies only on his opinion. Not a knock on him, thats just what he is. Day to Day Responsibilities for Trumps VP is zilch. Trump wants an ass kisser, not a functional VP. He never considers a “what if” scenario. Pence said it was difficult being his VP because he was never brought into meetings. Never met with Trump for strategy meetings. Half the time he felt useless. When he did speak, Trump would contradict him. If something were to happen to Trump, off course they would step up. It Just has to be a person willing to be a knot on a log unless Trump Died. Im 65 years old, that has only happened 2 times, Johnson and Ford. And Ford stepping up was a total fluke.

If at first you dont succeed, You may not want to try parachuting