Originally Posted by jawbone
Originally Posted by Fattyfireplug
There is nothing to gain from Britt. Absolutely nothing. I don't get that at all.

Noem is a proven candidate that might help him, but Britt brings nothing to the table.

Picking someone qualified, not of the swamp and in a swing state, or minority would be a much much better choice. What does any VP candidate bring to the table to help win, and more importantly, lock step with the president? Britt brings absolutely nothing at all.

I don't see where either Noem or Britt bring much to the table other than they might garner a few more Soccer Mom votes for Trump. I still contend that a Black person, preferably a Black woman would do the most for him. Even a Latina or Latino, would be more help. If it is going to be a White woman, I think Lake with her media experience would be the most help. Then, it should be a person that hails from a swing state to help at home. Lake fits this, Noem or Britt don't. I think Winsome Sears would be his best pick. Veteran, Black woman, sharp as a tack, conservative, from a swing state.

Upon farther review , I'm not sure Sears could be Prez . Looks like she wasn't born in USA , but hey , that didn't stop Obama. She would be a great pick though , checks a bunch of boxes . I'm surprised Sarah Sanders name isn't in the mix.

"Why do you ask"?

Always vote the slowest path to socialism.