Originally Posted by deadeye48
Originally Posted by abolt300
I’m not sure it will matter. 30% of registered republicans in NH and the majority of independents went with Haley. When polled, those same republicans and independents supposedly all said they just cannot vote for Trump again. Really worries me that conservatives and independents cannot/will not/refuse tounite behind DJT, and it looks like independents still despise him and will not ever vote for him. Without that and a massive turnout happening, our only hope is that everyone but the diehard Dems will hate Biden and his destructive policies so much that they shift to Trump. Problem there is I honestly don’t think it’ll be Biden running in the general election. I see another Dem at 1600 Penn Ave. Man do I hope I’m wrong.

You do understand that many Dems crossed over to vote for her as to close the win gap which would have been much wider than appears ?

Understand that. It's the 30% of republicans that did not vote for Trump and instead voted for Haley that were saying in their exit interviews that they just cannot vote for Trump again, and that is going to be the problem. After what we saw last election, if he cannot consolidate the republican base and get every single available republican vote to swing his way, he loses. Country is too evenly split between dems and repubs. When it's 50/50, you need all of your team and Trump doesnt have all his team on his team and never will. He's simply too divisive and his huge ego turns off the women. I've always said Trumps problem is that he's got 70% of the republican vote in his pocket and the other 30% are RINOs that hate him and want to see him in jail. Dems vote dem, 100% of the time and are willing to do whatever it takes to win, legal, marginal, illegal. Until republicans start supporting whomever the nominee is and having the same attitude about elections as democrats, the Dems will occupy the whitehouse and either control or be close enough to muck up both the house and senate.

Last edited by abolt300; 01/24/24 11:13 AM.