Originally Posted by Mbrock
See and that’s where it can’t be a one size fits all. We do NOT need a reduction in doe says in our area. People already aren’t killing does and they’re everywhere. Nobody here complains about not seeing deer. That applies to most every county I work in in west central and north west AL. No one is advocating for fewer doe days here or for doe harvest to be limited. They didn’t during the 2 a day years either.

Alabama is definitely not a one size fits all state. But I've also seen what over aggressive harvest does. Areas in southerns Alabama that were overpopulated became virtually a deer desert because of it's brown it's down. Our first club in the eighties was about 2900 acres in Marengo county on the early eighties. First year there at was common to see 25-30 does and yearlings on a 1 acre plot. But 40 member were blasting 110-125 deer a year on this property and within 3 years you wouldn't see 6 deer on a field.

Point is, we have to guard against over correcting the harvest like we've been doing for over 40 years.

Too many deer, blast away.

Oops, we kilt too many.

Reduce hunting season to two weeks and limit weapons to sling shots.

Oops, too many deer.

Rinse. Wash. Repeat.

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe