Originally Posted by globe
Originally Posted by Rainbowstew
Originally Posted by abolt300
[quote=globe]We don’t kill THAT many deer based on how many we have on our property, BUT multiply that times all the folks killing them around me and it does add up. If there’s any limits to be made, it’s gotta be acreage based. No other way to manage it. People/biologists talk about deer per acre with management.
And tags have to be implemented, and fined heavily or it’s basically voluntary.

A guy with 200 acres doesnt need any extra does period. It should definitely be acreage based. You got 2-20 acres, your max is 1 deer period. You got 2000 acres, XX does and XX bucks. You got 20,000 acres XXX does and XXX bucks. The real problem is the 2 acre guys with a corn pile out the back door with a light over it, killing any deer, day or night, that sticks his or her head out. It's what the problem has always been in Alabama, for as long as I have hunted.

Guess I need to go down to my 3 acre pasture at the back of my 11 acres and change out my cell camera batteries and freshen up the corn pile. I will make sure I only shoot one deer so I am being fair to the big land owners. I will make sure after i shoot my one deer I tell all the other deer to stay off my property so I am not tempted shoot more than one deer. rofl
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Hey Rainbowstew I’m glad you posted that. This is actually a prime example of the way I look at it. Obviously you have some deer around your 11 acres. Let’s say you shoot two of those nice bucks and 2-3 does off of your 11 acres. What’s the carrying capacity of your 11 acres? Did those two bucks and 2-3 does need 11 acres to thrive? Or does it take 40-120 acres for them to thrive? Now let’s say you have a neighbor with the same 10-15 acres, he shoots two more of the bucks and 2-3 more does. That’s 4 bucks and 4-6 does off of 20-25 acres. We all know it takes a lot more than 20-25 acres to raise that many deer. All I’m saying is there’s a lot of small acreage folks killing way more deer than their property is raising. I’m not saying if I own 1000 acres I need more than 3 buck tags, but there’s no way someone with 11 acres needs the same 3. It’s not sustainable (in my opinion). Your scenario is happening all across Alabama, on much smaller acreage too. It just is, that’s not an opinion, that’s a fact.
I don’t know what exactly the answer is, but right now it’s a free for all. Feels like it anyway.

Yeah, just got back on and saw that. What you stated was 100% my point Globe, and Rainbow could not have done a better job of making my point for me with his statement and pictures. I'm guessing someone in the area around him owns or controls and large block adjacent to him and he's pulling those deer off of them. Rest assured, all those deer are not living on his 11 acres. In most of AL, with the carrying capacity of most land, it takes 10-60 acres for 1 deer to survive on, depending on the quality of habitat. So the math is really not hard to do. Rainbow might not be shooting all those deer and maybe he's very selective on his harvest, maybe not. But there are tons of people in AL, with property situations just like his, that between them and their family, they will kill all those deer and especially all those young bucks, if given the chance. It's always been that way.