Originally Posted by FurFlyin
Originally Posted by 2Dogs
A good whack with a framing hammer will do it. True story .... I had a wart for years on my left thumb next to the nail. When building my house in 1992 I whacked it with a hammer . It busted open and bled like a stuck hog. When it healed , wart was gone , never came back.

That's not far from the method used to get the off cattle. If cows have warts, all you gotta do is get it in the head catch, and take a pair of lineman's pliers, squish them between the pliers and twist them off. Not all of them, just a few. I was told that by squishing them with the pliers that it forces something out of the wart, to produce antibodies and by twisting the warts off it does something else, but you gotta do both. An old vet told me that when I was a kid. We were at a show steer sale at Berry College and a calf came through that was COVERED in warts. Dang good calf otherwise. He told my dad and I that, and my dad bought the calf for near of nothing. We did what he said and within a month his hide didn't have a blemish on it that you could see through the hair. I didn't know to question it, I just did it, and it worked. It has worked on a handful more cattle since then.


"Why do you ask"?

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