Originally Posted by scrubbuck
Got to be careful with this at fast food type places. Generally you pay before your food is ready.

I was the 5 guys burgers in Foley about a year ago and declined the tip…mainly because the staff was snobbish to a couple of the customers ahead of me. Food order had been placed at this point, but had not been brought out front yet. As soon as I declined and was paying, cashier called back over the mic “low cheese” and guy from the back hollered back “got it”. I just stopped and stared at her intently for a few seconds…she knew that I knew. Transaction had already cleared at this point so I just took the burger dropped in trash as I left.

I’ll never step foot in another 5 guys and now try to avoid any fast food style establishment that asks for tips.

You can watch em cook your food in five guys 🤔 You saying they brought ya some fromunda cheese from the back? 🤣

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