Originally Posted by Skinny
Originally Posted by Andalusia
Being a mail carrier in the era of Amazon etc. looks to be miserable. Our mail carrier lady is great but now she stops at almost every house and gets out to bring a package or three up to the door. Some are very large and she makes several trips.

We get kid's bedding deliveries due to my wife's charity work almost everyday of the week and usually several boxes everyday. This is not what they signed up for years ago. I am amazed they stick with it.

Too phuckin bad for them. I don't know if you are old enough to remember Sears catalogue day or Phone Book day. Sears mailed out bigger things than Amazon. Heck, you could order a three bedroom house through the mail and it would show up on a train.

Farm equipment too.

"Why do you ask"?

Always vote the slowest path to socialism.