THE BIGGEST DIFFERENCE IS....we used to have a week to kill does and now we have 6 months......there's you BIGGEST problem!

Absolute cold hard truth. And most people would only have about 2 days off from work to hunt that 1-week doe season. So, at best most folks could probably kill 2 does. Now you can start killing a doe a day in October. And you can keep on killing a doe per day through November, December, January, and 10 days into February. That's 118 days. And yeah, I know most people won't have all 118 of those days off to hunt either. But that span includes about 16 weekends of wide open doe season that most people do have off. Anyone who thinks corn has made more of an impact on deer numbers than expanding the doe season from 7 days to 118 days is living proof of the old saying, "common sense isn't too common".

The best index to a person’s character is (a) how he treats people who can’t do him any good, and (b) how he treats people who can’t fight back.
- Abigail van Buren