CNC, I think you posted before that you dont have a 9-5 corporate type job, but the additional time available for most people that work full-time M-F jobs, to be in the woods during that 3 yr period was exponentially higher than you realize. I had to quarantine, due to exposure, 4 times in that 3 yr period. Since I did not have to go in to the office, I took my laptop got in the truck and spent the majority of those 40 days quarantining at the camp hunting. On a good year, I might hunt 12-15 days of the season. I still hunted my normal amount on weekends and vacation days but with the quarantine stuff thrown in too, I probably averaged 25-30 days hunting each of those years and hunted as much or more on just "covid quarantine vacation" than I would have in 2-3 yrs of regular season. Now I didnt go shoot a bunch of deer because we trophy hunt, and I'm not the typical alabama hunter that feels he needs to kill a deer every time he goes in the woods. If I was a different type of hunter, I could have seriously hurt the population on the land we hunt and corn would not have been the reason. Trust me when I say, Covid and businesses being closed, 20 days to slow the spread, etc had a much much larger impact in increasing those kill numbers than corn did. The crash about which you speak is the all the additional deer that were killed as a result of everyone having the opportunity to spend WAY more time in the woods.

Last edited by abolt300; 01/18/24 02:28 PM.