Originally Posted by Mbrock
Originally Posted by Rainbowstew
Originally Posted by Lockjaw
The problem is simple. You can only legally kill 3 bucks, one of which has to have 4 points on one side, and last year, you could kill a doe a day, and the season was 118 days.

No way you can manage a deer herd when you can kill 118 doe's and only 3 bucks per hunter.

This right here ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Only 3 bucks? Are you complaining that’s not enough?

No what I am saying is it doesn't take much basic math to figure out what the issue is. A deer has, in rare cases, triplets. Most of the time its either twins or a single fawn. We know from the study in GA that if you don't control yotes, the recruitment rate for fawns is 55%.
That means if you kill a doe, you need 2 that survive and have twins, to basically replace the one you killed. It's just the odds and math. Chances are the 2 doe's will have a doe and a buck fawn each, if they have twins. The yotes will kill 2 of the 4. That means only 1 surivives, which replaced the one you shot last year.

You need 4 doe's to survive and all 4 to have twins, just to gain, and the math is you gain 1 doe. Kill yotes and the recruitment rate goes to the mid 80's. Then you can start gaining a little ground.

Take your normal timber co lease. I can't bait. I can't hinge cut. I can't burn. I can't have big green fields. When they cut (thin) tree's, they just randomly cut them. If they cut them in rows like a quail plantation, then you could bush hog on a 3 year rotation and create better cover. By the time I can deal with the skidder rows, the briars are too tall. My soil is 4.6-5.2 ph. It takes a lot of lime to get it productive. And a lime truck can't get in there, and I don't have a lime spreader, so its a by hand, or by pellet lime job. Then you have to wait a while for the PH to come up.

My lease is essentially 1.75 square miles. The density for my area is 30 to 60 deer per square mile. So on the low end, I have 52.5 deer. On the high end, which I am not even close to, I have 105. I have probably 12 different rack bucks on camera. Not counting spikes, and 3 or very small 4pts. That also wouldn't count this years button bucks. So out of 42.5 deer, how many do you think are 4 pts or less, and buttons, versus doe's? If its 3 to 1 in favor of doe's, then I basically have 22 bucks and 30 doe's. If 10 members kill 1 doe each. Now I have 20. Those 20 will only replace the 10 doe's killed, assuming all have twins. Unless I somehow manage, in my free time, to kill a bunch of yotes. That doesn't count car wrecks, poaching, disease, or poor crippling shots.

You can't hold a person to 3 bucks, and essentially unlimted doe's and grow the population on a statewide level. There are pockets you can kill more doe's with no negative impact, but... not where I am. Since the laws don't look like they are changing, we have to change on our leases to help stabilize and regrow the population. And that's the direction we went on mine.