Originally Posted by FreeStateHunter
Gents I’ve been following this as closely as possible with work and all. The other night actual news stations were reporting Lanning in Tuscaloosa, not true. Yesterday a lot of smoke about Lane Kiffin but it appears he’s staying in Oxford. Then all this attention shifted to DeBoer. The AD said it best that if the news isn’t coming from him it’s BS. I’m completely fine with just waiting till his press conference because with Saban involved and Byrne at the helm we’re going to be just fine.

He’s dreaming if he thinks people are going to sit and wait for a decision to be announced. People are going to dig, snoop, listen to rumors, even start rumors. Every person, Bama Fan or not wants to be the first to know. Even though there are a lot of rumors out there, I bet it proves out that the candidate list is correct and the candidate with the most chatter is the man.

If at first you dont succeed, You may not want to try parachuting