This track was a 15 year old boys first deer shot at 9:30 in the morning. He only had hair and a piece of the meat at shot site. After walking 20-30 yards in the direction the deer went he could not find any blood. He asked for thoughts on a FB forum and received all kinds of bad answers and recommendations. I hit him up and suggested to just let it lay and we would check it out later in the afternoon.

Brayden and Huck worked this track with us again. Not going to lie, the dogs struggled to get on a good line at the start and it wasn't looking good. Both dogs would take the track in the same direction but would circle back around looking for something better. About 75 yds from shot site we decided to do a half circle and make sure we had not missed something. Scout and I worked one direction without hitting on anything and Brayden and Huck worked the other. Huck hit on a trail and about 75 yds later was at the buck. I brought Scout over that way and she hit the trail about the same spot and went straight to the buck.

I'm not sure if the buck had walked some circles throwing them off or just wasn't putting out any scent until a certain point or what. The dogs were on the right path from the start but they were just not as hard on the track as normal for some reason. But the deer had traveled about 225 yds from shot site and not a single drop of blood was found.

Scout and Huck are now 4 for 4 on the season running together. Hope we can keep that streak going.

Last edited by hitek; 01/11/24 10:15 AM.