It's all relative to what you're trying to do. I've never been in a true trophy club, so keep that in mind.

Base the amount of deer allowed on how many you have/try to kill. If you shoot everything that moves or have few deer then it should be low. If your members are required or are naturally restrictive, then you can open up the amount. One club I was in shot every 6 point and some would shoot every doe that stuck its head out and needed a cap. Another one, we only shot good bucks and the occasional doe and didn't require a cap. If it was your year to get on good bucks, shoot as many as you like (pre 3 buck limit).

Regarding guests, I like them as long as nobody takes advantage. Multiple hunting members of the same family can do more damage than "guests". Me bringing a guest a couple of times a year is a lot less invasive than a husband, wife and 3 kids hunting every week.

Bottom line is, if you're making the decisions base it on realistic objectives. If you're not, find a club that meets your personal criteria.