Originally Posted by Goatkiller
So far I think it starts off mostly like this.... There I wuz with my .243 I think is sighted in... but I had to just get some shells down at the gas station. I had my 2.5 year old son with me ready to take his first deer.

Probably more like this...There I wuz with my .243, I just put a new scope on it and didnt have time to go to the range, but the old scope was dead on and I could consistently put 3 shots in a pie plate at 25 yards off a sandbagged rest with the old one so I'm sure it is good to go. I found some .243 shells that someone had left at the camp and loaded it up with them and took my 2.5 yr old son with me to shoot his first deer. A monster walked out (will turn out to be a 30" 4 pt). Buck was so big that I knocked my son over and took the gun and shot that monster. I'm sure is was a perfect shoulder shot. The deer hunched up in the middle and walked off the field. Immediately got down and went to the last place we saw him and heard some deer run off. We walked around in there for about 3 hours looking but couldnt find any blood. I'm sure I hit him great and he's dead but me and my 2 yr old, his two older sisters, his mom and his 7 yr old older brother just cannot find him.