Originally Posted by jwalker77
I dont understand why yall dont just grow you some reefer, smoke it and keep your mouth shut about it. Jakethesnke, if you want to get high, you can pass the drug tests, its not hard. We ask our govt when we can hunt, what we can hunt, what ammo we can shoot it with and yall are worried to death about getting the govts permission to smoke weed. Jyst grow you some nd smoke it. You dont need anyones help or permission. The greatest ntion on earth has become a bunch of beggers. Oh please can we smoke weed, please please. Weve really come to a sad place in our countries history.

I don't grow it because I don't want my house, bank account and everything I own getting seized and auctioned off by our government. And DHR take my kid.

I quit smoking about 4yrs ago when my employer sold out. The new company is all about keeping low insurance rates so they test us often. I haven't been tested but I've seen many who have. If I hit something, the safety man will come escort you to the doctor to pee. These drug testing centers aren't like they use to be. They really check your pockets, boots and shirt for fake pee. It depends on the nurse I guess but from what I've seen, you have about a 20% chance of passing a cheated test these days.

Who wants to carry a bottle of pee around with them at work all day and hope they can pull a test off. All the while keeping the temperature correct.

It's not worth it. When I was younger, I didn't care. I didn't have a kid and I didn't get paid enough to care about losing my job. But now it's a different game. I get paid well, have lots of benefits and respect that I earned overtime. I can't make what I make anywhere else so I gave it up. Too many perks to lose.

It's ridiculous, I just ordered a bottle of 90% alcohol by mail, delivered to my front door within 3 days but I'm not allowed to have weed.

My post wasn't about me wanting to get high. I'm not embarrassed to tell the truth. I love getting high. I miss it everyday. Of course id like to get high and hopefully I will live long enough to see it go recreational here in Alabama so I can enjoy it legally and not worry about the repercussions. Again, people that have something to lose, can't get high.