If this isn't allowed, please forgive me and delete Skinny. My sincere apologies.

I was making this post for the ones who want to fight for Alabama cancer patients. The Alabama Medical Cannabis Commissioner keeps dragging their feet and delaying licenses to distribute.

My friend has been one of the lead fighters in getting these laws changed for the patients. My mother is a two time cancer survivor and has never even seen marijuana before. She was so desperate, she was willing to try cannabis here in Alabama but it wasn't legal so she suffered and went without.

On behalf of all the cancer patients wanting to fight these ridiculous laws, please email our commissioner. To allow legal medical marijuana for those who want it.

The email address is: info@amcc.alabama.gov

It takes less than a minute or two to send an email to voice your rights.

You can also join the fight on Facebook by joining.... Alabama Cannabis Coalition

Thank you 🙏🙏