Originally Posted by JA
I'm all for it. Fewer humans in harms way for sure. I would suspect there are plans somewhere to use drones to deliver tactical nukes. We already use drones to deliver hellfire missiles, wouldn't think it would be much of a stretch to deliver a small nuke. Would be next to impossible to defend against.

I agree about less humans in harm's way, but I guess it depends on which side you are on.

One of the Sub-Reddits that I follow shows footage from the Ukraine War. Lots of that footage is poor Russian bastards trying to evade the Ukrainian drones and they always end up getting wasted in the end. As a guy who served in the Marines, when I see those I think of myself being in that position with some enemy's drone chasing me down or worse yet some A.I. controlled autonomous drone relentlessly hunting me down. There would be no place to hide.

Perhaps skeet shooting training will be a new requirement at advanced infantry training school.