I come from the power utility world…osmose used to have a program..and this was how all their crews worked..everybody that hires on begins working toward becoming a foreman..i forget..it takes like 2 years then they put you over a crew or something like that. They pay pretty well…but ive known quiet a few people who worked on the inspection crews and every single one hated their life..high turnnover..and not the best quality folks workin cause nobody decent will stay..the low men get worked like rented mules regardless of age or experience and it is hard work so ive been told..and you are expected to get so much done a day and if you fall short there is penalties and punishments. I saw a crew in tusvaloosa that went from like 5 guys to 2 guys in the span of about 4 days…they send you all over..etc. I aint tryin to scare you..im just bein honest about the experience ive had with people who worked for them…i will say they pay very well from what i hear and that is the most attractive thing that hooks most folks..i applied one time when i was about 20 an it seems like they paid about $20/hr then..that was 10 years ago…and thats actually not to far removed from my exposure to them personally..its been awhile so things could have changed for the better. I wish you luck…but that foreman thing…best i can remember..that is the same hiring tactic they use on everbody…every job listing i have ever seen has been a foreman for a pole inspection crew…that..as a matter of fact is what i applied for and turned down…it wudnt what it seemed to be…its been years..so i may be wrong

"I dont quit.. And ill fight alone if i have to"