Well……shooting a .223 may have just cost a hunter a giant tonight…….Dad was sitting with a teenager (the shooter) when a buck came out that he had never seen before…..Said he shot a 140 out of the same field last year and this one would swallow it. The buck mule kicked and took off with tail tucked and head down…..All we found was about 10 hairs at the hit site and that was it….never a drop of blood…..Otis tracked it for about 300-350 yards before the trail went cold on him at the creek. He’s gonna try and get a drone out there to see if he might be able to pick up on it…..I hope they’re able to recover it…..I kinda think he could have a deer that may die but its hard to tell for sure on this one

Last edited by CNC; 12/21/23 09:19 PM.

We dont rent pigs