Originally Posted by biglmbass
Pooped just a little on my camo overall staps a long time ago. Can’t overstress situational awareness when pooping in the woods.

Have been very lucky. All through my 20s I never used a safety harness w’ climbing stands & 99% of the time I was hunting alone, out of town, & w’out a cell phone. You think nothing will happen to you at such a young age. Am much wiser now

I had a similar accident with camo coveralls while turkey hunting. It was the last day of the season and the coveralls were pretty worn out, so I just left them there. Definitely learned to take coveralls completely off and put them far away when doing jobs like that. wink

I was squirrel hunting with a cousin when I was 15 and we decided to split up for a while and then meet back up near our starting point. I got back before he did and sat down against a big tree. He came along and saw part of my head sticking out from the tree, decided it had to be a squirrel, and blasted me with #5 shot. He was about 40 yds away and most of the pellets didn't penetrate. One just missed my eye, but I didn't know that the pellet was in me until I had an x-ray a year later. It's still there and shows up any time I have a medical scan of any sort.

I didn't expect so many serious accidents in this thread.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.