I decided to make a professional living out of arguing it as a professional debt collector. I handle mostly construction-related pre-litigation cases as my plumbers, framers, and concrete guys can't afford to sue every jackass general contractor or project owner that tries to get out of paying them. I've had a helluva case with a group of brothers who own an RV park lately. You can't get two words in before they are calling everyone involved liars and all sorts of other names too. You try and hash it all logically and it just goes in circles. It's been driving me nuts, because considering the costs of litigation for everyone usually people just need a moment to cool off and vent, before the real negotiations start. Not these guys. I just feel dumber every time I get into with these guys. Finally, I called another contractor and he said there was something kind of European/Middle Eastern about them.... I did some more digging and turns out they are part of a tribe of gypsies/Irish Travelers. Light bulb went off above head. We have a few of them in Texas, commonly do construction scams.

Man, I wished I would have known earlier.... a friendly reminder that arguing is a strategy for some people.