Originally Posted by Irishguy
Originally Posted by whack-n-stack
All over a $14,000 tax bill.

I don't know about you, and I ain't exactly poor, but if the government tried to tax me $14,000 on money that I hadn't even made yet, I would be pissed too.

"Hey Irish we are going to go ahead and tax your 401k now, because we calculated and figured on an average 8% rate of return, you will owe us $20k in taxes sometime in the future, so now since we've blow all our other money, you need to go ahead and fork yours over now."

The government is scared that the SCOTUS will rule it unconstitutional.

Folks with money are scared that the SCOTUS will rule it constitutional.

i would think that anyone who has saved up some money and has it invested should be watching this case.

It's not a lot of money in the scheme of things it will effect is what I meant.