Originally Posted by Lonster
Originally Posted by Okatuppa
After reading all this, I now understand how the show “Finding Bigfoot” was able to have more than one episode.

Ain’t that the truth! Like grown men believing in the tooth fairy. Just goes to show you the types of folks that live among us.

I just believe what i saw. A big cat is not a mythical creature. Everyone believes there are big cats, just not here in Alabama. There are facts to back up big cats being in alabama. Like, for instance them being killed here as recent as the 40s and 50s. That was in some of yalls lifetime. Then theres the fact that big cats certainly live in tennessee and florida. And eitherof those states are within accepted range of several types of big cats. I have personally seen several pictures of big cats seen and killed in Alabama, but those dont count because you didnt see them or the proper authorities didnt deem them as being authentic. Theres way more evidence that there are big cats in alabama than there is that they arent here. By the way, what is the evidence that they arent here? Oh yeah, because you never saw one. Thats all thats left.