Originally Posted by jwalker77
Originally Posted by kodiak06
Originally Posted by jwalker77
Originally Posted by HippieKiller
Imagine that. An actual lion walking past a trail cam. Yet all these "sightings" in Alabama and still no trail cam pics..........

There have been alot of trail cam pics. Just not on yours, so you dont believe it

Not in Bama. Basically every trail cam pic posted in "bama" is also posted with another states names as well somewhere. There aren't track pics and kill site pics anywhere if they are there are as many there as people say.

Yall just keep assuming youve seen everything and apparently you also know everything, heck, yall know about and have personally seen every picture ever taken on every trail cam ever stuck to a tree in alabama. . Everybody who owns a trail camera in alabama dont feel the need to put everything they get a picture of on social media. Alot of people dont feel the need to run out and tell everybody.

If some one had a picture of a Bigfoot or a mountain lion, if they didn't put it on the internet, they would've shared it with someone who would!