Originally Posted by Todd1700
Originally Posted by Whild_Bill
They are here it’s just most folks I’ve hunted with over the last 39 years don’t go real deep in the woods these cats and foots are real elusive and they live where they know people aren’t getting to just like a mature buck does but 1,000,000 times more narcissist about how they operate live and travel last club I was in was 4,000 acres and the membership hunted in places probably 300 acres same stands same spots for years most folks aren’t willing to go too far from a road deep into the woods but that’s where the wild things are

Nonsense. There isn't a land animal in Alabama that doesn't occasionally come near where people are. Especially at night. I have seen many huge mature bucks standing in the ditch of the road at night even along very busy roads. Bears are still pretty scarce in Alabama but people see them pretty often. Sometimes right in their backyards. There aren't very many Florida panthers but wildlife biologists routinely lay eyes on them. Does the Alabama variant have some kind of cloaking device like a Klingon warship on Star Trek. Despite their low numbers in South Florida panthers are routinely hit and killed by cars down there. Yet never a single one has been run over in Alabama. Weird huh?

There is always the chance that someone's exotic pet either got loose or was set free. But there is no natural breeding population of mt lions in Alabama.

Why does it have to escalate to a breeding population for one to be seen?

Why can’t a young male be traveling thru? That is typical behavior for young males. One was documented as traveling across the upper Midwest and being run over on the Jersey Turnpike.

It is possible that one could be seen traveling thru by several folks over a period of time which would account for multiple sightings.

The breeding population response is not a prerequisite for seeing one but used to dismiss the possibility. What’s funny is the states around used to say the same thing yet now there is actual evidence.

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan