Originally Posted by Whild_Bill
SO there is a coordinated lie among people from all over the world thats been ongoing for hundreds of years about bigfoot? Seems like that would take a lot of time & coordination ,or they could be real gotta be one of the two

So, you believe a 7 foot tall, 400 pound primate has existed for thousands of years in North America a continent which now has 560 million people on it. And not in one spot either. There are claims of people seeing it from Maine to Alaska and from Canada down to Florida. So it has to exist in sustainable breeding numbers nationwide for all this time in order to be seen in all these places. And yet at that size; living among that many people; across that much territory; for that long a time; not a single one has ever been killed, captured, or found dead. Not one. Anyone that believes that bullchit shouldn't be allowed to drive or operate heavy equipment to protect society from ignorance that dangerous.

Claims by people are the absolute worst evidence for such things. People lie. People exaggerate. People make chit up. And even when they try to be honest and accurate they are very often just flat wrong about things. Bigfoot is a laughable joke.

The best index to a person’s character is (a) how he treats people who can’t do him any good, and (b) how he treats people who can’t fight back.
- Abigail van Buren