They used to plant food before the hogs were bad but it's been a decade since I've seen any food planted there. Granted i haven't been as often since i graduated from Auburn. Assuming you're talking about blind 6 on the Alabama side. Blind 6 has not been productive for me when i've hunted it, so be ready and take advantage of shots presented to you. As others said, expect mostly ringnecks out on that side of the refuge. Maybe some teal. I used to take a sled or pirogue to haul gear in but Blind 6 isn't a very long walk from the levee. It's shallow from the levee to the blind. 100 yards or more in front of the blind i think i remember it getting deeper due to a drainage ditch, so may want to take a paddle with your boat in case you sail a bird over the ditch. I think the rule is to no boats with motors. Doubt they'd let you take a trailer back there either as it'd clog up the parking areas, so needs to fit in your truck bed.

Keep expectations low and enjoy your morning. Let us know how it goes.