Originally Posted by Goatkiller
You know.... I may hunt all season and only get 1 opportunity to kill a nice deer. I'm not hunting in a fence. All the factors that are involved.... from stand placement, to drinking liquid smoke as a fart cover scent.... all the time involved. All the money spent. All the weekends working.

When the moment of truth arrives.... You are going to put all that on a Magic Bullet? Because apparently it's the only thing you can shoot through your Varmint rifle that will give you a passthrough on a deer?

Anyone ever asked themselves.... What in the conbreadhell am I doing?

Sounds completely stupid to me. You don't have to shoot a 300 win mag just shoot a 7-08 or something reasonable. You say, well... I don't need no 7-08.... Apparently YOU DO. You are shooting Magic Bullets just so you can shoot through both sides of a deer. And further stating the obvious.... you wouldn't need the Magic if you had confidence in just some regular ole bullets. You don't. Why? how many have you shot and lost before you found the "Magic"?

Craziest shait ever.

Have you ever had a bullet not exit on a perfect placement? That is why I swapped to my beloved magic bullets. SST came apart on my son’s first buck. Only made it 50-60 yards, but nary a blood trail to follow. When we cleaned him, found that the jacket and core had separated. Right then, I decided I wanted a bullet that could not come apart

I’m not saying that other bullets don’t kill deer by any means, just know what I like, how well they shoot, and what I can expect when I pull the trigger