ive done it twice now. Youll have to undo several cables and take the leg press portion apart to get it through a normal sized door..you also have to undo the top if your doin it that way i believe..i honestly cant remember..when i bought it we had to take it through a normal 8ft door..brought home an put it in my garage…then moved it to my new barn/shop. Where its at now wont be any trouble to get on a trailer..it just requires some strapping fellows to do it…me an my 63yo daddy in law moved it this second time..i toted the leg press by myself. Once you remove the weight stacks..its not any trouble at all..That is the most time consuming thing because you cant remove more than a couple at a time an there is 22 of them at 10lbs apiece..per side..so 44 all together. I took pics whenever i took it apart an its really no trouble to get back together..just takes an hour or so. This last time it took me about 15-20 min to get the weight stacks off..after that it was 5min to take the leg press off an then just tote it to the trailer..i had it apart and back together in an hour..its just doin it and seein it done..it looked way worse than it actually was. I am located in boaz, AL..maybe 3 miles off 431.

"I dont quit.. And ill fight alone if i have to"