It really isnt about trying to intentionally hit one too far back…….What it boils down to for most folks is just modifying their normal aiming spot slightly from what they have in the past…..A lot of bow hunters I know have quit aiming for the crease of the shoulder and instead they find the crease then drop back “4 inches”…..

Basically you’re just dropping back off that shoulder wall that exists and giving yourself some wiggle room for error. What I’m trying to point out to everyone is that you’ve actually got a LOT of room to play with missing too far back…..but you don’t when it comes to too far forward. Most people don’t have really tight groupings either when they’re shooting at real deer. Trying to hit a spot in that crease that has little room for forgiveness is just asking for something to go wrong. When bow season starts this will be one of, if not the most common phone call that comes in for trackers…..

”I shot too far forward and stuck it in his shoulder…..I got 4-5 inches of penetration and he ran off with the arrow in him… fell out at 50-75 yards……We got a little blood for another 50 yards and then it just peters out”

I’ve heard that story repeated over and over and over and over and over……

We dont rent pigs