Originally Posted by hosscat
Vivak is very pro 2A, he has first and knowledge of what can happen to a country when its citizens are not armed. He is also very pro freedom, I don't care if he is hindu or a vegan as long as he is not trying to affect my freedoms, which he has been very vocal about reducing government, and not limiting our American liberties.

I realize he received a scholarship from a soros funded organization, but calling him Obama 2.0 is clearly ignorant. Obama never held a private sector job, never built a company, never received a patent on a drug, never did anything except be groomed toward socialism. Vivak is the only person on that stage (Trump would be a 2nd, but wasn't there) that has actually been hugely successful outside of politics. There are podcasts out there that Vivak has been on from the past couple of years and he seems very genuine and seems to hate lots of the same things I hate.

Fact is it is not ignorant. He has no first hand knowledge on the importance of the 2A other than what he read in books. His parents moved to the US when he was 2 yrs old. Nobody really knows a dang thing about who Vivek really is, other than he's been successful in business (How? He was in school until he was 26 or 27 getting his MBA and his JD, well that really hasnt been fully explained either, kind of like the Crypto Kid Bankman Freid, another young kid running a huge business first or second year after getting out of school, somebody had to set him up, you dont go straight from middle school to playing for the Yankees). How do you know he's more like Trump? Vivek admitted last night that he's 38 and has only voted in 2 elections, so he didnt vote from the time he turned 18 until he was basically 30? Seems a little strange that he wasnt voting, what with him having an Ivy League education (raises another question, who got him into Harvard and Yale, those schools are not merit based, admission is based on who you know and who can pull strings for you), working on wall street, owning and starting multiple businesses (by the way, where'd the money to start all that at such a young age come from, especially given that we were just coming out of the global financial crisis and credit was super tight and nobody was making loans at the time)?. All this is just something to think about. He's obviously not a true conservative because he had every reason to vote in the previous elections that he supposedly passed on, since both of those "skipped elections" just happened to be the ones when the most liberal and divisive president in our lifetime Barack Hussein Obama was running on a platform of "fundamentally changing America". I'll bet a dollar to a doughnut that he did vote in more than just the last two, but to admit that, he'd have to admit that he voted for Obama in the prior two elections which is a definite no no for a "republican candidate". For reference, he only registered as a republican for the first time in late 2021. All of the above and a little deductive reasoning should tell you something. Any smart person can read the room and say what people will like and want to hear. That's what you saw last night and have heard for the past couple years. Obama popped up out of nowhere too, and was a instant superstar just like Vivek has done.

Last edited by abolt300; 08/24/23 11:50 AM.