Originally Posted by Sasquatch Lives
Damn I didn't know chiggers loved spanish moss and one time I hung some of that moss around my climber after I got up there. Man that evening they had me tore up from the belt down if you know what I mean. Friggin horrible. Bet I had a thousand bites. My gf was pissed as I was out of commission for a few days.

When we went to the beach I always had to remind our kids to not put the moss on their heads like a funny wig. I learned it the hard way years ago.

Phucking chiggers are worse than a state wildlife agency looking at ways to make money.

"Hunting Politics are stupid!" - Farm Hunter

"Bible says you shouldn't put sugar in your cornbread." Dustin, 2013

"Best I can figure 97.365% of the general public is a paint chip eating, mouth breathing, certified dumbass." BCLC, 2020