Originally Posted by Dubie
I feel like it is a gift for moments when you don’t have the words to pray or know how to explain the feelings of hurt, doubt, fear, you name it. That is what the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues is for- it’s a way to speak to the Lord about a need. I also know the devil hears our prayers when we pray, and that makes him quake with fear…but he still hears them. I heard it preached once that the devil can’t understand tongues and that is a gift from the Lord as well. I don’t know how to explain it all, but when it happens to you- you are changed! Hallelujah! Going out on a limb for my Aldeer family, y’all always give me good info so I gotta return the favor now 🤣

I certainly don’t doubt your sincerity or your feeling of legitimacy in your experiences. But… that’s not a biblical definition of “speaking in tongues”. There’s nothing in Scripture to suggest “tongues” is anything like what you feel. Maybe call it something else, but not “speaking in tongues”.