Originally Posted By: Bucktrot
I know this... when International Paper was selling off Portland Landing (I think that's who owned it.. I know IP did at one time), IP touted the recreational value a lot!!! They showed pictures of my buddy's 173' to everyone that was interested in buying that land.

Well, at least R doesn't charge for logging roads, roadsides, etc...

Again, I think that out of 100 acres of forest land, there should be a conservational aspect of interest in planting or allowing X number of acres for wildlife planting. That's social, environmental and.... let's see.... it's got to be something else as for as a "targeted" responsibility!!! LOL! It's responsible land ownership.

Hell, they cut all the hardwoods they can and cut up to the banks of streams and chemically prep recently cut areas that kills ALL browse... totally changing the landscape for profit.... I am not a tree hugger nor a liberal but it should be a win-win situation for all involved.

You should try being a Biologist that works for a timber company... It is a constant battle. I feel fortunate that our company is as good as they are about wildlife.