Originally Posted by BCLC
Originally Posted by crenshawco
Originally Posted by TDog93
That makes no sense cremshaw - a lot of this thread is full of drama and some of it makes no sense amd so many fighting to b right - has a highschool feel to it 🀣🀣

Cremshaw Non vaxers always had strongest stance on here by far so that remark is way left field - but if it makes u feel better
none of the 100s i no that took shot been sick - lot of those are old bags n a nursing home 🀣🀣

I think i thru w any vax thread u guys can hang on to something that was incredibly negative like a nightmare many lost life over - all that i was involved w were unvax that lost their life

But i will atleast hav some fun w this

From now on - i command u guys to post threads about the vax - now go do as your told 🀣🀣🀣🀣

Now Atleast we will really no why u post about it - because i told u to do it 🀣🀣🀣

To bad i cant read your ridiculous responses - cause this gonna b a mic drop 🀣🀣🀣 amd i done w vax threads πŸ˜€

Can you translate to English?

I copy-pasted into Google translate and it said β€œthe Vaxxx made him do it…” πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ

Probably from blood clots in his typing finger.


For without victory, there is no survival