Originally Posted by wew3006
Originally Posted by goodman_hunter
Originally Posted by Goatkiller

I want anyone and everyone on here that's convinced someone else is going to get blood clots and DIE from the COVID Vax.... to explain the Statistics I posted above.

I don't think they said bloodclots didn't exist before, they said young healthy people seem to be suffering more blood clots than before. I didn't see any of those parameters in your statistics.

What is the statical value for "seem to be" ?

IDK, i didn't post any statistics. He asked for folks to explain the statistics he posted, which were proof that bloodclots have existed pre vax. That wasn't in question. The argument was. Are young healthy people having more blood clots/heart related/medical issues post vax, Saying old people are having bloodclot issues now isn't really gonna prove it one way or the other either. Due to the fact they were in the top percentile for clots pre vax. It just stands to reason that there will be alot post vax as well. I can't say one way or another if young healthy individuals are having more issues now, But if you're gonna rely on statistics to make your argument. Those parameters should be included.

for me. Its what, if any was the benefit of the vax. Seemed minimal if any. The risk seemed high. For me the risk vs reward was a no brainer. Thats gonna change for everyone depending on age mostly.

Another determination could be made, if the individual is still planning on getting boosted this year, since they believe the statistics prove there isn't any adverse effects from it.

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