Originally Posted by Turkey_neck
Originally Posted by Mbrock
Originally Posted by Ridge Life
Originally Posted by Mbrock
Y’all have no idea what we experienced at the state tournament in Dixie Youth. I’ll just say none of my children will ever participate again. It was the most awful display of professionalism in baseball I’ve ever witnessed. It was downright embarrassing.

What age level

10U. It was the worst thing I’ve ever seen in all my years playing and my kids playing.

Parent wise or umpire wise? Some umpires have no business on the field but some parents are insane. Mine play 14u softball and 18u baseball. I’ve seen some of both more times then not

Well. Where do I begin? We were cussed at, threatened, harassed, physically assaulted, their coaches allowed to use vulgar language on the field out loud, their kids using sexual gestures on the field, our coach threatened with ejection for wanting to talk to the police after their coach slapped him on the field and the umps ignored it. They wouldn’t award our kids their trophies, and the police ordered us all to leave immediately after the game. I got rather sideways with one officer. The DYB officials, umps and police totally ignored their behavior the entire game. For TWO games. Their coach threatened one of our fans and told him what he was going to do to him after the game was over and they did nothing. The entire tournament was enjoyable and fun, and our boys played their hearts out until the championship game. That team who acted that way ruined nearly a full week of baseball by allowing all that to take place. Didn’t meet a single team that acted that way except them, and I’m only scratching the surface. I had a few discussions with their director, the police (who didn’t care) and wrote letters to several officials, the police chief, the mayor and DYB national directors and have not received a SINGLE response. The behavior we witnessed that night and the lack of response by ALL the officials involved was pathetic, embarrassing and in dead disagreement with the mission of DYB. That’s all I’m saying.