Baseball is a strange sport to me. It’s one of the only sports where it seems acceptable to berate an official and expect them to tolerate it. It seems to be at every age level too. If officials would meet with coaches before each game and tell them mouthy parents won’t be tolerated and they will toss the coaches if it happens, you’d have a lot less of it. (Yes, I played and coached too. Parents made me hate the sport with a passion.) Baseball also seems to be where it’s pretty much expected for a batter to charge the mound. You just don’t see fights in many other sports except hockey. I will say though that if you ever watch a baseball “fight” in slow motion, about the only way anyone will get hurt is if they trip running to the mound. Seldom do they ever land a punch.

If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.-Mark Twain