Originally Posted by Mbrock
Originally Posted by gcr0003
If the thought is the cameras and feed lead to more kills and people are tagging out too much, it sounds like you would either need to change the bag limit or get rid of the things that make it easier to kill more deer. I cant fault people for killing as many as the law allows them to kill. If you don’t want everyone in the state killing 100 does and 3 bucks every year, then the bag limit needs to reflect that. I never understood why people care about how hard it is to kill a deer. Doesn’t matter if it’s a bow, crossbow, trad bow, shotgun or rifle, if the limit is 3 they will all do the job. Now if we are saying the the bag limits aren’t productive to the deer herd and buck age, then sure the whole system would need adjusted. Even in that scenario bag limits would trump how you kill the animal or how hard or easy it is. So right now I’m for changing bag limits and leaving cameras, baiting, and weapon of choice for those that enjoy that.

Weapon of choice absolutely does matter. Why do you think the Midwest and northeast states have very few guns days, yet archery seasons are as long or longer than ours in some cases? They could leave their bag limits the same and increase gun days and their harvest would skyrocket. Days of opportunity with more efficient weapons increases harvest more than bag limits.

You factor in the number killed and not found with archery and the number is way up there anyway. Too your point, if Northern missouri had more gun days it would be wiped out quick.

Last edited by Triple J; 07/09/23 10:10 AM.