Originally Posted by CNC
Originally Posted by Pwyse

I’m not saying that baiting doesn’t effect the other side of the equation at some level. I’m just saying chill out and give it some time to work itself out.

In other words just wait for things to suck bad enough that behavior self-corrects itself…..is that what you’re saying??......Kinda like we did with the two-a-day doe slaughter??

Does 2 question marks mean something different than one? Are you trying to make your question more questionly? That’s a serious question, I’m not trying to be smart. It seems like when you want to make someone feel stupid you add an extra question mark.

One other point I made in my post was to take into consideration the history of other states. How their wildlife handled baiting and such. But instead of saying “Yeah that’s a good point. Mississippi and Texas seem to be doing ok.” you take one piece of my post and ask stupid questions about it. So yeah to answer a smart A question with a smart A answer that’s what I think we should do CNC, get stuff real sucky and then change stuff.

I think you are assuming things are gonna get real sucky, and what I am saying is, in the past in the other states that allowed baiting years ago, things didn’t get real sucky. So there’s a pretty good chance they won’t get sucky here either.