The bottom line with this election fraud business is as expected.... The Republicans got completely outplayed. Legally or illegally it does not matter. Just like McCarthy did last week. They have a nasty habit of losing and many times it appears to be intentional.

Republicans did poorly in the 2022 mid-terms intentionally IMO. need an example... they pulled the plug on Blake Masters because they are buddies with Mark Kelly. Why? Mitch and a cabal of other Republicans are in on all this IMO.

The corruption that is going on is the Republicans fault. They play the same games as the Democrats and act like this or that is completely out of their control. They should impeach these corrupt people but they won't do it and that's the real issue at hand. They need to make a spectacle of it. Why? the 75% of Americans who have no clue our border was wide open would then hear about it. That's why. You don't need any other reason. It will force the media to cover it.

I'll tie this in to the potential Trump charges..... The reason the DOJ is going to charge Trump is because Garland knows he won't be impeached by the House. They will call him up for a hearing. He'll get his arse handed to him. Then he will leave the hearing and just keep on going.

Just keep voting for who you are told and we'll all be living in a 3rd worlds socialist country in about a decade.

No government employees were harmed in the making of this mess.