>>>I mean no offense but this idea that burning will solve everyone’s problem seems very narrow in scope and vision. It is ONE avenue for change in a scenario where there needs to be several enacted.<<<

Let me respond to this too, CNC. I absolutely agree; burning is just one part of a good plan. If you are going to put together an incentive plan that would let some hunters start before others, then I agree that it should include as many practices as possible. I thought that was the argument I was making? Just allowing hunters to qualify for the incentive through coon tails is too narrow, and burning is a practice that I have found very effective and relatively easy to document. I think I said somewhere in this thread to look for some other practices to include.

But I will also add this - I've found burning to be a practice that has always been beneficial to turkeys in some way, no matter what kind of burn it is. Whether understory, site prep, or young longleaf, the turkeys always seem to use it and benefit. I think burning fits in nicely with coon trapping in that I don't think either practice is ever likely bad for the turkeys. The only good coon is a dead coon, and burned land makes happy turkeys.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.