I’ll speed this up and just skip to the point I’m gonna eventually make… grin grin ….Turkeys can exist across a much broader range of habitat types than just “burned prairie” IF you give them a little relief from predators and don’t do things to exacerbate the situation…..……The higher the predator populations climb, the more important prime hiding acres become……The lower the predator population the more turkeys are able to utilize the rest of the landscape. Same with deer. We've done a number of things though over the decades to tilt the balance more and more in the favor of the predators.

I use Jackson Co a lot as an example because of personal experience hunting there as kid……but you also look at how turkey populations have done really well in such areas as these without extensive fire being used to see that burn regimes arent the only ecosystem where turkey are able to thrive …….It may be that all of those hollers and closed canopied rocky ridges are giving them ample cover from above already but due to the habitat type the turkeys may tend to nest in the “bottoms” and nest predators like coons may be playing a much larger role in limiting population growth than is avian predators…….That's a possibility and in that situation trapping would have far greater impacts than trying to modify the landscape with burning

I mean no offense but this idea that burning will solve everyone’s problem seems very narrow in scope and vision. It is ONE avenue for change in a scenario where there needs to be several enacted.

Last edited by CNC; 06/07/23 04:39 PM.

We dont rent pigs