Originally Posted by CNC
I’d have to understand more about what we’re talking about here first……..

Who all are we talking about paying to burn??........How many acres??.......What is the cost??........Are you talking about reimbursing every landowner who strikes a match??

I wasn't talking about paying anyone; just offering the same deal for burning that you were gonna offer for coons. That is, burn at least 20 acres and you get to hunt early. I'm not sure if you have defined the specifics, and there seems to be confusion about that. Some here seem to think you want the dcnr to pay money for coon tails, but that was never your proposal, was it? Maybe I'm the one who misunderstood. I thought your proposal was 20 coon tails let you start hunting a week earlier. Or maybe 3/15. Did you define it?

Anyway, what I was saying was why not let 20 acres burned = 20 coon tails?

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.