Originally Posted by CNC
I’ll throw this out there one more time too since it seems to get hazed over…….Its simply using “data” to cherry pick what you like and what you don’t when you scrutinize “the numbers” of an trapping incentive to this degree while corn baiting and decoys are legalized without numbers even being questioned. Why does one have to produce numbers showing it to be the end all cure all solution while the others don’t have to show anything concerning negative impacts??.....Just using common sense will tell you that the potential chances for negative impacts of those last two are far greater than any trapping incentive. This is just agenda driven decision making.

Hell, the season and limit changes had no data with it either. For the record, I was opposed to those, baiting and decoys, not just because they had no data to back it up. Didn't figure the baiting and decoys had ANY upside and potential downside for turkeys and the limit changes because it wouldn't make a difference.
Ill throw this out there again as well. Lets say I am an exclusive coon hunter and thats all I care about. Public land or private, why would I want my license dollars to go towards a bounty on the critter I choose to hunt. Same for the bird watchers, animal lovers, hikers who use our public lands - you think there would be ANY public support for it?

I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine