Originally Posted by Chorn
Originally Posted by cartervj
Culturally this is nothing new. Just history repeating itself but this time we’re aware of it because of social media.

True. Nothing new under the sun but the difference is today iys condoned and praised.

It just depended on what one was apart of. It has always been celebrated by a subculture
I’ve mentioned the Weimar Republic and its debauchery and celebration of evil. It’s why Hitler came to power with his rallying to rid Germany of evil. Although he participated to some degree in the debauchery. Thats why we’re being called fascist. It is following history.

The celebration has crossed over into mainstream like you say, that is the role pop culture plays and play it well they have.

I don’t think most realize the extent of debauchery during the roaring twenties.

People of wealth gravitate to a certain aspect of this lifestyle.
The parties thrown by the global elite are extreme so it never goes away, the exposure does.

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan